Mama Lovejoy Top 8 Articles From 2016

tears in baby eyes embraced mother

Ahh 2016… Mama Lovejoy had tears and laughs, sentimental moments and hot mess moments.  Similarly, my family started off the year on a sad (but hopeful) note, announcing our second miscarriage… then we ended on a terrific note with the arrival of our rainbow baby.  Thanks for being a part of the Mama Lovejoy journey and our family’s journey.  Thanks for your comments, shares, likes, and your private messages sharing your own (often very private) challenges and moments.  Love to you all.  Also, a great big thank you to those who submitted articles for publication—we loved sharing your funny, sad, sweet and ridiculous stories, tips and thoughts. 

To celebrate our year with you and to turn the page to 2017, one last time, we’re giving you a round up of our top 8 articles from 2016.  We hope you will enjoy these, keep in touch, and stay tuned for more this year! 

1)     Motherhood Is So Much More: Motherhood is doing everything for a tiny baby who can’t do anything for themselves, while you’re so exhausted and overwhelmed you’re barely holding it together yourself. It’s spending an hour-and-a-half nursing, rocking, and pacing with a baby to get him to nap for 30 minutes… then staying awake with him again for two hours that night…

2)     As We Kick Off The New Year, Hold On Tight: “Mama! Stay with me,” my daughter exclaims, as I place a hand on her chest, after I finally finish unloading groceries. “Stay with me,” she repeats, excitedly, grabbing my hand and holding on tight. I want to tell her that I’ll never leave; I’ll stay with her forever. I know that’s not true though… I just lost an old friend last week…

3)     Let Them Be Little (by Morgan Starr from Rookie Mommy Raising Boys): While we were talking (or while I was negotiating with him to try and get him to stop requesting things and go to sleep, rather), out of the blue he told me, “Mommy, I’m growing big. And when I do grow big, I won’t hug you anymore.” My stomach churned. My heart broke…

4)     Why None of Our Daughters Should Be Princesses: I want her to study hard and work hard. I want her to explore the world—to learn about different cultures, countries, people and perspectives. To drink a beer at 3AM in a Berlin train station with someone who grew up in East Germany, and to try a Caipirinha in Rio De Janeiro with her best friend and a bunch of new friends who don’t even speak her language. I want her to be strong and self-sufficient. To be a good person and to lend a helping hand when she has the opportunity…

5)     When a Rainbow Baby Is On The Way: It’s so exciting… After a couple of losses, I’ve had a slap in the face that’s helped me see the bigger picture. With our first pregnancy after my daughter, I wasn’t sure if I felt ready for another child… I wasn’t sure how I’d balance a baby and toddler, and I was almost bummed or mad about being pregnant. Then we lost the pregnancy and I felt guilty beyond words for having ever felt that way. So now, even when I’m nauseous or nervous or whatever, I put a hand on my belly—I’m so grateful to be having this baby and I already love it. I’ll say those words out loud to the baby…

6)     We’ve All Been There. The Crash That Comes After Trying To Do Too Much (By Kara Lawler from Mothering the Divide): We make dinner and bathe children and help them with their homework.  We tuck them in at night, read them a story or two or three, and if it’s an easy night (and not one where the bedtime routine takes hours), we tiptoe out of their rooms.. In the rush, there are nights we even eat chocolate for dinner or pop-tarts at midnight.  Other times, we guzzle that down with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine out of a Star Wars cup because it was the only one clean…

7)     I Have Nothing To Show For It At The End Of The Day (by Morgan Starr from Rookie Mommy Raising Boys): If you were to walk into my house at the end of the day, you might think I’d sat around all day watching television. You might think I simply left my kids to their own devices while I hid in my bedroom and allowed them to tear the place to shambles…

8)     Dear my sweetheart daughter who’s about to have her world rocked by a new baby: Today will be our last day solo, just Mommy and Savannah. Tomorrow, Grammy gets into town and with a little luck our new baby will be here very soon. You and I have spent time together one-on-one almost every day for nearly three years now. I’ve absolutely treasured that time. But things are about to change…




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