Happy Easter


For those who celebrate it—Happy Easter! I’ve heard from a bunch of folks with really fun plans ranging from eating too many Cadbury eggs, to a nice dinner with family, to egg hunts, to going to church and celebrating what today means to you spiritually. I hope all of it was a blast!

I also heard some really clever ideas, which I apologize for not sending out sooner, but we can keep these in our back pocket for future years. For parents looking for a healthy alternative to candy, some Easter bunnies are stuffing eggs with a piece of cereal, a cracker, or Goldfish, this year. Another mom suggested just giving a basket of toys, without any eggs. Of course, you can also decorate hard-boiled eggs, but many parents who have done that have realized months later that they didn’t find all the hidden eggs and had a rotten surprise (barf, bad pun… and just barf). One mom shared a video on how to silk tie dye eggs—it looks tricky but it also gives you an excuse to chop a tie of your husband’s in half if there are any you don’t like. I’m just saying. As for egg hunts with kids of multiple ages/abilities, one mom shared that they put numbers in their eggs, then the kids each got to pick a prize in order of the number in their eggs. Another mom, shared that they had four kids ranging from 15-months-old to 6th grade, with one on the spectrum and one with disabilities such that he likes the same toys as the 15-month-old—her plan is to color-code the eggs, so the older two can each have a color and the younger two can go after whatever they want. Brilliant! And, one mom said she just hopes to keep her smile on while trying to be in several places at once. Last, some people are looking for ways to help others—whether by giving a care package to a homeless person or reaching out to someone who would appreciate it.

Wishing you the best, whatever you’re up to today. Sending lots of love this holiday weekend.

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