3 Petitions You Can Sign If You’re Sick of Mass Shootings

gun at camera

There have been 144 school shootings since 20 children and 6 adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School, three years ago… and that’s “just” the mass shootings that have taken place at schools. Those were gunned attacks against children. Today, the internet has erupted again with articles, cartoons and social media posts talking about yet another gunman, this time in San Bernardino, CA, leaving 14 people dead and at least 17 others injured.

The articles agree that the prevalence of these incidents is unacceptable. The cartoons half-joke that the victims and their families don’t need more prayers, they need gun control. And the social media posts offer condolences and a cry for help.

Everyone’s frustrated and saddened by these frequent and terrifying mass shootings. But, then everyone kind of tucks that away and moves on… until the next incident.

What can you do if you want to see some action?

Here are 3 petitions that you can sign, if you’re sick of the violence:

To anyone out there whose life or whose loved one’s life has been threatened or taken in one of these incidents, our hearts and condolences goes out to you. Now, let’s make some changes, so this doesn’t keep happening.

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